
Hope and Change Ministries is designed to help us as Christians to actively engage in the life of our nation, apply God’s timeless truths to our daily lives, and bring about the change He has planned for the prosperity and peace of our communities by recognizing that our hope is in Him.

“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” Ephesians 4:4-6

We have all seen the misery, the trials, the despair. We have all heard the promises of hope offered by men an women across the political perspective, and we have taken our eye off the simple, joyful, powerful truth that there is only one hope, and it rests in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and by the transformational power of the Holy Spirit.

We are feeling hard pressed on every side and perplexed by the trials we face as a nation and in the world today. I pray you will join me in this effort to lift the hearts and heads of our fellow citizens, and teach them that we are not crushed, we are not in despair, for our hope is in the Lord, and He holds the power to transform.

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