My kids will tell you I sing in the shower and sometimes in the car. Most days, I sing praise songs and hymns. It’s one of the few times when my mind is without distraction by necessity. Now and then, I simply lift a prayer and open my mouth to see what the […]

On Triumphalism sermon Luke 22:31-34; Daniel 3:16-28; Acts 12 In our social media driven society where memes are the norm and thoughts are short, it is critical that Christians pay attention to the messages we send. Where a full understanding of victory in Christ leads to freedom and joyful service, triumphalism that mimics the concepts […]

Embed from Getty Images The Global Methodist Church is gearing up for its Convening Conference in September, and it is set to be a time of exciting new things of God. One part of that process is the opportunity to propose changes for consideration in the Book of Doctrine and Discipline that will guide our […]