So the time moment has come when those who have vowed that they will not, cannot in good conscience, vote for Mr. Trump are faced with a hard decision. But, perhaps not so very hard. Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer, and I was doing a great deal of praying in that time. And reading Scripture. God was talking. For my fellow Christians who are mourning today, and seemingly drowning in worry, take heart! Some things came to me in my prayers.
The first thing all of us should be doing is to pray. Don’t necessarily use words. Just take time to get quiet and ask Holy Spirit to speak on your behalf. This is certainly a day for a groaning heart that does not know what it needs. Let God tell you. Let Him break your heart and show you your need to be reliant on Him for the outcome, whatever and whenever it may be.

The second thing is this. If you live in Washington, Nebraska, West Virginia, Oregon, South Dakota, California, New Mexico, Montana or New Jersey, pray very specifically for what God wants you to do. Donald Trump has been named the presumptive nominee. This has happened not because he has reached the required delegates, but because Ted Cruz suspended his campaign. Even if he wins outright every delegate in May, he still will not have the required delegates. He’ll be short 42 heading into the last five races on June 7th.
Yes, yes, I know. Every other candidate has dropped out. Every other candidate has stopped campaigning. No one can stop Mr. Trump. All his supporters, and a lot of the talking heads who aren’t, are calling for “uniting behind Trump.” The system has spoken and he is the presumptive nominee. But, he is not yet the actual nominee.
I don’t say this on behalf of a party. I actually don’t even know what the rules in your states are regarding delegate awarding when candidates who have suspended their campaigns meet the threshold for getting delegates. But, I do know that in this nation, you have been granted the great privilege and responsibility of voting. Men and women have died for you to have that privilege. God has blessed this nation through those who take that responsibility seriously. And He can do so again. So let your voice be heard, even if you don’t think it will matter.
I know that this election, for most of us who are part of the #NeverTrump movement, has never been about Ted Cruz the man. It has been about the ideals he represented. The ideal that it is not the job of the Establishment, the GOP, the government to restore this nation. It is instead the job of each of us individually to act according to God’s direction, even when the battle seems certainly lost.

So, my friends in Nebraska and West Virginia, your primary is next Tuesday, May 10th. I am praying for you.
My friends in Oregon, your primary is the following Tuesday on May 17th. I am praying for you.
My friends in Washington, your primary is Tuesday, May 24th (consider your vote and anniversary present to me and my husband if nothing else). I am praying for you.
And my friends in South Dakota, California, Montana, New Jersey and New Mexico, your primaries will be the final decider in the race, no matter what the media is saying at the moment. I am praying for you.
Senator Cruz has stood down his active campaign. He has not stood down from the fight, and neither should we. We as a nation are standing at the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh breathing down our necks. We are Gideon facing the Midianites. We are the disciples in the Upper Room that dark Saturday. Praise the Lord, because He is mighty to save. Pray for direction. Go out and vote as He directs, and trust the outcome to Him.
Be blessed and be a blessing.